Demo of reproduced VALL-E X

Original description from Microsoft

VALL-E X can synthesize personalized speech in another language for a monolingual speaker. Taking the phoneme sequences derived from the source and target text, and the source acoustic tokens derived from an audio codec model as prompts, VALL-E X is able to produce the acoustic tokens in the target language, which can be then decompressed to the target speech waveform. Thanks to its powerful in-context learning capabilities, VALL-E X does not require cross-lingual speech data of the same speakers for training and can perform various zero-shot cross-lingual speech generation tasks, such as cross-lingual text-to-speech synthesis and speech-to-speech translation.

Additional description for reproduced model

Data used for training English Chinese Japanese
Microsoft's LibriLight (70k+ hours) Wenet Speech (10k+ hours) -
Ours (reproduced) LibriTTS + self-gathered (704 hours) Aishell 1, 3, Aidatatang + self-gathered (598 hours) JP commonvoice + self-gathered (437 hours)

Unlike Microsoft's original model, the reproduced version does not contain the Speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) module (it requires additional training), but this functionality can be achieved by using Google Translate API.

VALL-E paper: Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers

VALL-E X paper: Speak Foreign Languages with Your Own Voice: Cross-Lingual Neural Codec Language Modeling

official demo page:

UI & API for usage:

Training code from:

This page is for showing reproduced results only.

Model Overview

VALL-E X can synthesize personalized speech in another language for a monolingual speaker. Taking the phoneme sequences derived from the source and target text, and the source acoustic tokens derived from an audio codec model as prompts, VALL-E X is able to produce the acoustic tokens in the target language, which can be then decompressed to the target speech waveform. Thanks to its powerful in-context learning capabilities, VALL-E X does not require cross-lingual speech data of the same speakers for training and can perform various zero-shot cross-lingual speech generation tasks, such as cross-lingual text-to-speech synthesis and speech-to-speech translation.

LibriSpeech Samples

Text Speaker Prompt Ground Truth MS's VALL-E reproduced VALL-E X
They moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that Warrenton had fulfilled his mission.
And lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot.
Number ten, fresh nelly is waiting on you, good night husband.
Yea, his honourable worship is within, but he hath a godly minister or two with him, and likewise a leech.

VCTK Samples

Text Speaker Prompt Ground Truth MS's VALL-E reproduced VALL-E X
We have to reduce the number of plastic bags.
So what is the campaign about?
My life has changed a lot.
Nothing is yet confirmed.

Acoustic Environment Maintenance

VALL-E can synthesize personalized speech while maintaining the acoustic environment of the speaker prompt. The audio and transcriptions are sampled from the Fisher dataset.

Text Speaker Prompt Ground Truth MS's VALL-E reproduced VALL-E X
I think it's like you know um more convenient too.
Um we have to pay have this security fee just in case she would damage something but um.
Everything is run by computer but you got to know how to think before you can do a computer.
As friends thing I definitely I've got more male friends.

Speaker’s Emotion Maintenance

VALL-E can synthesize personalized speech while maintaining the emotion in the speaker prompt. The audio prompts are sampled from the Emotional Voices Database.

Text Speaker Prompt Ground Truth MS's VALL-E reproduced VALL-E X
We have to reduce the number of plastic bags. Anger

Zero-shot cross-lingual text-to-speech

English TTS with Chinese prompts (English samples are from LibriSpeech, Chinese samples are from EMIME and AISHELL-3 dataset)

English Text Speaker Prompt Baseline MS's VALL-E X reproduced VALL-E X
Look a little closer while our guide lets the light of his lamp fall upon the black wall at your side.
He honours whatever he recognizes in himself, such morality equals self-glorification.
One dark night at the head of a score of his tribe, he fell upon Wabigoon’s camp, his object being the abduction of the princess.
There could be little art in this last and final round of fencing.

Chinese TTS with English prompts (Chinese samples are from EMIME and AISHELL-3, English samples are from LibriSpeech dataset)

English Text Speaker Prompt MS's VALL-E X reproduced VALL-E X

Foreign accent control

1) English to Chinese on EMIME dataset.

Speaker Prompt Ground Truth MS's VALL-E X with Chinese LID MS's VALL-E X with English LID reproduced VALL-E X with Chinese LID reproduced VALL-E X with English LID

Voice emotion maintenance

VALL-E X Trans can synthesize personalized target speech while maintaining the emotion in the source speech. The source audio are sampled from the Emotional Voices Database EmoV-DB.

Emotion English Speech MS's VALL-E X Trans reproduced VALL-E X Trans

Japanese zero-shot cross-lingual text-to-speech

Text Speaker Prompt reproduced VALL-E X
Instead of shoes, the old man wore boots with turnover tops, and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid.
The army found the people in poverty and left them in comparative wealth.
Thus did this humane and right minded father comfort his unhappy daughter, and her mother embracing her again, did all she could to soothe her feelings.
He was in deep converse with the clerk and entered the hall holding him by the arm.